Well, I have heard many of my fellow voice-over colleagues refer to their pets as watchful gatekeepers of their home studio. I thought I had better take a few moments to introduce the two gatekeepers of my studio, or when I am on the road traveling – our horse trailer!

Dixie & LuLu
Well, here are our two Jack Russel Terriers (JRT’s) Dixie and LuLu! They are pretty quiet most of the time allowing me to record a lot during the day, except for the occasional squirel outside in view of the picture window, or the mailman! OK, a retake or two because of them barking isn’t the end of the world right?
They are some of the most traveled JRT’s having traveled to many states while working different professional rodeo events around the country. They are truly special and definitely a very important part of our family!
Louie as we call her is kind of the quiet type around strangers, and as for Dixie? She has been known to chase rodeo clowns and team ropers off if they get to close to our trailer!
Well, I needed a short break in the studio today and decided I had better include my special gatekeeper’s in my blog today. I hope you enjoyed getting a peek at them.
Do you have a studio gatekeeper?