English pronunciation can make you look good or dumb!

Have you ever watched a TV interview of your favorite athlete just to hear them butcher the pronunciation of a word so bad that it makes you cringe? I ran across this past article by Justin Brown and wanted to share with you 10 commonly mispronounced English words that can make you look dumb! Do you have any that you hear often to add to this list?


A little fodder for conversation with family and friends around the Thanksgiving table!



A little voice-over fun!

I stumbled on this and thought it was pretty fun and brings up a very important question.  Do you have a regional accent? If so, what have you done about erasing it?

Lot’s of voice-over talent myself included, have had coaching just to get rid of that regional accent and get that neutral American English that is most widely accepted in professional voice work. True, there is that occasional job that prefers the regional accent of a given area. One of the hardest things to do is to switch between a regional accent and neutral English when needed.

For fun I invite you to take this test linked below, share your results in the comments below, and share what training  you have done or tricks you use to control your regional accent.


Punch and roll…

As a voice talent who is far from perfect, I am always on the lookout for more efficient ways of recording and editing my takes. I recently stumbled on an article that does exactly that! Punch and roll is a feature that is built into pro tools a very complex recording software that is way more complex than most of us voice-over talents need to do the recording and production that we need to do in our normal daily routines.

Being a user of Adobe Audition 3.0, I have never been able to figure out on my own how to create a script to allow me to use punch and roll in Adobe Audition. That was until I saw this article written by Adam Verner! A marvelously written article on how to very easily incorporate the proper settings to add the punch and roll feature to Adobe audition! In literally less than five minutes I had the feature installed set-up and ready to use! Click on the link below to the article and incorporate this useful tool to your arsenal of great production tools.


What features have you found to speed up your audio editing in Adobe Audition?