Why you should have a pro voice on your business voicemail.

Hello everyone,  I would like to share an article  written by Jill Tarnoff that was posted on the voices.com website concerning the use of a professional voice for  your business voice mail and IVR systems. Quite frankly there are many businesses that could benefit from this and, with all the different stops in different communities where I work events this could prove to be a tremendous opportunity to have these types of recordings completed.   I often travel with my portable recording gear capable of broadcast quality recordings while I am on the road!  The important thing  to remember is that this valuable resource is available at a very reasonable cost for your business.

Voice talent and speech coach Jill Tarnoff shares her experiences calling in to book appointments with a healthcare provider and how the voice on an automated telephone system recording sets tone for the remainder of a call and speaking with a real person.

Here is the link to the complete blog article http://blogs.voices.com/voxdaily/2011/06/voices_for_business_voicemails.html

Have you ever thought of having a professional voice record your phone prompts?


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